The Virginia-Carolinas Morgan Horse Club was founded on November 12, 1966 and has been going strong ever since. Our membership works hard to promote the Morgan Horse throughout Virginia, North and South Carolina and we enjoy showing off our four-legged family members at every opportunity!
If Morgans are a passion for you, or if the breed sparks your interest and you’d like to learn more, you’ve found the right place. Visit the pages of our website and you’ll find many like minded people doing all sorts of activities with their horses and you may find one that you would also like to try.
If you are shopping for your first (or last) Morgan horse, many of our club members have wonderful breed examples available and would be happy to entertain your visit.
If we can answer any questions, please contact us using the link below. If you are a member and you have photos or reports of Morgan activities, please send them on to our webmaster at editor@virginiacarolinamorgans.org.