Parizade 2015Parizade Banquet Room in Durham

The date for the VCMHC annual meeting, banquet and awards presentation is Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016, at the Parizade Restaurant in Durham.  The board and show committee meetings will begin at 4 pm, followed by a general meeting/election of officers at 4:30. Social hour with cash bar is 5-6 pm with dinner served at 6. The menu includes a salad; choice of salmon, shrimp, chicken breast or pork tenderloin with vegetables; tea and dessert. The price is $40 per person.  There will also be a silent auction so bring anything, “horsey” or not, to add to the collection.

VC Award Table 2009

Elizabeth Abernathy always does a great job finding prizes for the champions and reserve champions and I am sure this year will be great! For those who were fortunate enough to take home perpetual or challenge trophies last year, get them engraved and plan to bring them back ready to present. We also need sponsorships for each division so please volunteer, don’t make us have to beg!

Reservations to Mary Daughtry:

(remember the club will be obligated to pay for the number of plates ordered)